Do Saltwater Fish Taste Different Than Fresh Water Fish?
You’ve always heard that saltwater fish are different than fresh water fish. Some species live in the ocean, while others make their homes in lakes and rivers. But what exactly are the differences between the two? Do fresh water fish taste better? Are they better for you? Your fishing charter in Sarasota, FL has answers.
The fact is, there are several differences between saltwater and fresh water fish. Here’s a quick overview to help you understand the uniqueness of each kind and guide your choices for fishing and feasting.
Health Benefits
It might be tempting to believe that saltwater fish have a higher sodium content and are therefore less healthy than fresh water fish. This is a myth. The fish don’t actually absorb the salt from the water around them. Therefore, saltwater fish do not have a higher sodium content.
However, fresh water fish do offer other health advantages. Fresh water fish are usually higher in calcium and fatty acids. Fresh water varieties of fish also tend to provide more folate and vitamin A.
Taste Bud Benefits
While they don’t absorb the sodium from the water, saltwater fish do tend to have a “fishier” taste than fresh water fish. The flavor is usually brinier than that of fresh water fish. If you prefer a milder flavor of fish, with lighter, subtler taste, you should choose fresh water fish. They are great for a variety of recipes, from tacos to stews.
Safety Benefits
One of the biggest concerns with fish consumption is mercury. Since fresh water contains more mercury than saltwater, it may seem obvious that fresh water fish would also contain more mercury than saltwater fish. However, this is not the case.
The mercury in fresh water often adheres to plant materials, where sunlight breaks it down. As a result, the fish do not generally contain higher levels of mercury in fresh water. A more important aspect is the type and size of the fish. In either setting, predators and larger fish have higher levels of mercury, so it’s good to avoid high consumption of these varieties.
Bone Benefits
Probably the least favorite part of anyone’s enjoyment of fish is their bones. While you might not be able to detect it by looking at them in the water, freshwater and saltwater fish have different bone structures. Saltwater fish usually have larger bones. This means they are easier to de-bone. If this is a chore you dread, you might want to choose saltwater fish over fresh water varieties (or ask your fishing charter in Sarasota, FL to recommend a good butcher who can perform this task for you).
Discover More
Ready to learn more about saltwater and fresh water fish? Your fishing charter in Sarasota, FL can provide all the information you need. With over three decades of experience, Charter Boat Shark provides genuine fishing experiences for our clients. Give us a call with any questions or to book your next fishing trip today. We guarantee you’ll be satisfied with how many fish you catch! Contact us to make your reservation.
Categorised in: Fishing Charter