Fishing charters will continue at Charter Boat Shark until or unless we are ordered to no longer do so. We believe fishing is the best way to socially distance, and we wish to continue offering this diversion. Those who call often ask if our boats in Sarasota, FL are cleaned and sanitized, and the answer is an enthusiastic yes! We were doing this before COVID-19, and will continue to do so for the health and safety of all we serve. Here are six methods on how to sanitize a boat so it remains a COVID-free zone: Hot water: This is... View Article
Even states with the strictest social distancing guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic allow outdoor exercise. Fortunately, that includes booking a fishing charter. Boating and social distancing in Sarasota, FL are compatible, and you can stay safe while having fun. Here are five ways we maintain good social distancing practices while boating: Good-sized boats: We do not run charters on tiny motor boats. These are modern vessels with air-conditioned cabins and plenty of space to relax on deck. No one has to be near another person if they do not wish to be, and in fact, distance helps prevent tangled fishing... View Article
If you’re going to be going out in a boat, it’s important that you do plenty of pre-planning to ensure you remain safe during your excursion. Keep track of the weather in the days and weeks leading up to the trip so you have an idea of whether or not there are any storms that could affect your plans. You should also make sure you bring along all of the proper safety equipment and gear you need to stay safe in an emergency situation—such as boating during a storm in Sarasota, FL—and plan out the route you’ll be taking in... View Article
In Florida, we have some of the most beautiful, sunny weather in the world… but we also have some of the worst storms. If you have a boat, it’s important to consider the risks of storms and hurricanes so you can take the proper steps to prepare yourself and your vessel. Below are several tips for protecting a boat from a hurricane in Sarasota, FL that you should be following this season. While there are certain months of the year when hurricanes are more likely to strike, the particular path of a hurricane and its severity are relatively unpredictable until... View Article
Boating can be an incredible experience, but there are also some risk factors that are important to take into account. When you’re out on the water, you never know when the weather might turn bad. In the event that you find yourself boating in a storm in Sarasota, FL, it’s important that you know what to expect and how to handle the situation. Before you leave the shore, you should always assess weather conditions to determine whether it’s safe to boat or not. Even if skies are clear when you leave, things can quickly take a turn and you might... View Article